Clinical & Experimental Optometry Research Lab
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Here you wil find scientific, clinical and technical resources to use in your everyday activity.
- American Academy of Optometry USA
- European Academy of Optometry
- European Academy of Orthokeratology
- Optometry and Vision Science
- Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics
- Clinical Experimental Optometry
- CiViUM - Universidad de Murcia
- IOBA - Universidad de Valladolid
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Universidad Santiago de Compostela
- VPO2015 (Mexico, August 2015)
- IMC (Wenzhou, September 2015)
- ESCRS (Barcelona, September 2015)
Structure and Working of Human Eye
Interesting documentary about the process of vision (5'16'').
Optical Illusions
Some optical illusions will show you the beautifull of vision process (17'22'').
Contact Lenses: how it works?
Interesting documentary about hte manufacture of Contact Lenses (4'49'').
Be a Doctor of Optometry
Learn what is an optometrist and what these professionals can do for you (3'43'').