Clinical & Experimental Optometry Research Lab
Most Frequent Questions
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Which are the most common treatments for keratoconus?
Keratoconus is a degenerative disease of the cornea that becomes less resistant and irregular, inducing visual difficulties that cannot be compensated with eyeglasess. Such irregularities are effectively compensated with contact lenses of different designs and materials. Other treatments include "crosslinking" at early stages, intra-corneal implants for more advanced cases and corneal transplantation in the later stages. Read more about keratoconus and its treatments here.
What explains myopia progression?
Myopia is considered a multifactorial disease that induces an excessive growth of the eyeball. Genetics, environmental, educational and ocupational visual demands among other factors are potentially involved in the onset and progression of myopia. Having one or both parents myopic, spending less time in outdoor activities and an intensive use of the near vision during childhood and elarly adulthood seem to be associated to a higher risk of becoming myope. Read more about myopia here.
Which are the most effective treatments for myopia progression?
Myopia progression needs to be treated when the eye is increasing its length at a fast rate. This usually happens between 8 and 12 years of age for childhood myopia and between 14 and 20 years of age for early-adult myopia. Treatments include bifocal and multifocal eyeglasses but have demonstrated a low efficady. Atropine eyedrops have demonstrated higher efficacy but at the expense of some side effects and a loss of the treatment effects after discontinuation. Currently, different contact lenses including orthokeratology/corneal reshaping and specially designed contact lenses are able to reduce by 50% the eye growth. Read more about treatments for myopia progression here.
Which are the alternatives to eyeglassess to see clearly?
Today, there are surgical and optical alternatives to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Optical alternatives imply the use of contact lenses to be worn during the day and exchanged daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Alternativelly, corneal reshaping is available to correct myopia up to -6.00 diopters, astigmatism up to 1,50 diopters and hyperopia up to +2.00 diopters, or higher in some specific cases. In this modality, lenses are worn overnight and the patient does not need to wear the lenses during the day. Surgical alternatives include corneal laser surgery and implantation of intra-ocular lenses. Read more about treatments for vision problems here.
Why I cannot read without glassess?
If you are over 40 or 45 years of age and you can see clearly at distance but not at near, you are probably presbyope. Presbyopia appears when we are not longer able to focus objects at near distances using our natural "adjustable lens", the crystaline lens that becomes less flexible with ageing. Bifocal and multifocal eyeglassess are the most commonly used corrective procedures. Contact lenses and surgical procedures are also available. Read more about presbyopia here.