Clinical & Experimental Optometry Research Lab

CEORLab On-going Projects / Projetos CEORLab (candidate-se a participar)
CEORLab projects involves currently public and private funding. Private funding comes from international companies in the field of optometry, ophthalmology and visual sciences. Our main goal is to produce and publish new scientific information and to develop our own prototypes and devices for future application in research and clinical activities.

PhD and Post-Doc Projects

Industry Funded Projects

Public Funding
PhD projects are aligned with the projects funded by private and public institutions.
On-going topics:
- Optical Modelization.
- Peripheral Refraction.
- Light Distortion.
- Orthokeratology.
- Optical Quality.
- Scleral Lenses.
- Ocular Response to Myopia Control Devices.

Other Projects
Outros Projetos
Currently we have several projects running at CEORLab. These projects are funded by international companies with interests in contact lenses, ophthalmic optics, instrumentation and ocular surgery.
The results of these projects are frequently published in peer-reviewed journals.
All ongoing projects had clearance from the Ethics Subcommittee of the School of Life and Health Sciences (SECVS - Unviersity of Minho).
On-going projects:
- Ocular Response to Scleral Lens Fitting.
- Efficacy of Devices for Myopia Control.
- Assessment of the Peripheral Refraction
- Electrophysiology of Vision
CEORLab also attracts funding from competitive public calls.
Several young researchers have been integrated in these projects to develop their MSc and PhD Thesis, have resulted in numerous publications in peer-review journals and patent applications.
On-going projects:
- Light Distortion Analysis.
- Presbyopia Correction.
- Ocular Response to Myopia Control.

Candidate-se para participar como voluntário em estudos desenvolvidos no CEORLab
Pode candidatar-se a participar em estudos de investigação previamente avaliados pelo Comité de Ética para a investigação. Atualmente estamos a recrutar voluntários com patologias da córnea e outras alterações ópticas do olho que possam beneficiar da utilização de Lentes de Contacto de apoio Escleral para melhorar a sua visão. Será realizada uma consulta de avaliação prévia para determinar se cumpre os critéiros de inclusão neste ou noutros estudos.
Durante o tempo de permanência no estudo ser-lhe-ão fornecidas lentes e consumíveis gratuitamente.